Community Partners 2

If there is one thing we have learned over the past 12 years, is that we can’t do it alone. After losing Brianna and Brandon’s diagnosis, we had several organizations reach out to help. Our Church and its members were there to help navigate all of the difficult decisions we had to make. We had other non profits that experienced a loss give us advice and help explore what we were feeling. Still yet we had others provide financial assistance when we needed it most.

Our goal for these series of BLOGs is to shine a light on organizations that are doing great work for the community. Some of these you may have known about and some will be brand new. Either way this is an opportunity to give other non profits even more credit for their work. This will be the next organization that we work with and want showcase them.

The second in this series is the P4 Foundation. You can find out all you need to know on their website Please take the time to visit their site and explore more of what they do for the community.

The words below are from the website above. They describe the heart that Gino and his entire family have and live each day.

A Purpose Driven Life

“Gino’s mission — is to provide a helping hand to children battling cancer and their families. By providing support and hope, I intend to lighten the load that these families have to deal with on a daily basis financially, physically, and emotionally. Through this mission , I envision a purpose that will allow every child and their family a chance to stand up and FIGHT!

How P4 Helps

The P4 Foundation works directly with children and families impacted by childhood cancer to provide support, hope, and faith-filled encouragement, as well as tips for health and wellness — before, during and after treatment.

Although the P4 Foundation is based out of state we have a real connection with Gino and his family. Please keep them in your prayers and support what they do if you can.


Community Partners 3


Community Partners 1